Friday, October 12, 2012

Ministry is more than Church on Sunday

Let’s meet Elisa Gary and find out how she helps other get the permission they need to succeed. Elisa is the director of The 1st Ministry Initiative, and organizer of The Complete Woman Fellowship (T.C.W.F).  The 1st Ministry Initiative is a non profit ministry which seeks to encourage and strengthen families.  They serve as an information portal, providing valuable resources and information to assist individuals and families; They strive to be a source of inspiration and support. Through The Complete Woman Fellowship, they  provide weekly conference calls and meet ups, prayer, mentoring, counseling and outreach to women of all ages.

How much research did you do before you made your move?

I really did not do any research. The project stemmed from my own personal issues; questions I petitioned the Lord for. I wanted to be able to apply the gospel to my life, but sometimes got lost in the Thee’s and Thou’s of written scripture. I wanted to be able to apply the word to my daily living in a tangible and practical way.  Hence, The Complete Woman Fellowship was born. I would analyze problems that I faced in my own life and devour the bible seeking practical advice on how to deal with these problems. I am not a technical person, so I did have to do some research on how to organize a conference call, promote the call, create a website and organize the content, but through prayer and perseverance I was able to succeed.

New book by Elisa Gary
 What did your friends say when you told them about your dream?

I shared my idea of the weekly call with a few people while it was in the development phase, must of whom thought it was a good idea. However, some I could tell did not buy into the idea. I guess they did not see how attending the call, or how my facilitating the call would be beneficial to their own lives, let alone to others. I saw this in the lack of enthusiasm when discussing T.C.W.F and lack of attendance on the calls by some of my closest friends and family.

Did you have any people who did not believe in you?

I am sure that there were people in my life who did not think the call was valuable, or would be a success. They may have looked at it as just another one of my projects, but no one every said this to me directly.

Describe a life-defining moment of change?

 I did have a very notable experience however, with a church member asking me if I was trying to start a church of my own.  Surprisingly this jolted me. I never perceived my actions or facilitating the weekly calls would portray me as trying to be a pastor. I simply was trying to find answers to hard question. Seeking to be transparent and tackle hard situation by listening to the authentic voice of God. This one statement completely changed my outlook of the weekly calls. I then understood that whether people joined in on the calls or not, my messages were powerful, and life changing to those that heard them.

Did you have moments of doubts about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

There were weeks when I simply did not want to do the call. I felt like no one cared what I had to say, or if anyone was even listening.  There was actually a 3 week span where I would get on the call, stay 15 minutes and if no one joined, I would hang up. This to me was being obedient. I felt like if I was there and no one dialed in I had done my part. I would say to myself “see God I was here, it’s not my fault no one called in”. However, I quickly realized that even in this, I was being selfish and disobedient to my calling. I had to get out of my flesh and rise above my pride and do the call anyway. So I started recording the calls and posting them as an mp3 online. To my surprise people were listening and had lots to say about the impact the lessons had on them and their outlook on their situations.

What did you do to stay motivated through the process?

To stay motivate I had to endure a complete paradigm shift. I had to realize that the calls were not about how many people joined in, but about the message from the lesson being released into the atmosphere.  I forced myself to commit to completing the lessons each week and then carrying out the call as if it was jam packed.  

Did you ever get down on yourself because you felt like you were not making progress?

Absolutely,  even after revamping my attitude towards the call and refocusing my energy I still had times where I questioned if God was still calling me to complete this task or not.

What advice would you give the person who is reading this blog and has been hesitant about granting themselves the permission to succeed?

 Listen to that still quiet voice inside of you. Ask yourself these questions. What is it that has been kicking in your belly? What thing have you played with in your mind of doing, but may seem silly or farfetched?  What one thing would you do if you knew your couldn’t fail? More importantly get quiet, retract from the hustle and bustle of life, seek solace in knowing that God has purposed you for much and will order your path if you allow him to be the Master Planner of your life.

Five years from now what’s your dream? Five years ago where did you want to be and are you closer or have you achieved your dream?

 Five years from now I believe that The Complete Woman Fellowship will be an international organization; a global union of women, walking in their purpose, healing each other through encouragement, and love.  I hope to be traveling and speaking at many gatherings, pouring into women the message that they are valuable and needed. Helping them realize their worth despite their current circumstances. I want to empower them, challenge them to make their mess their message and become complete even if they feel they are broken.

 What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

Don’t base your start off of predefined failure.  This means, don’t make your idea of success a prerequisite of getting started. Sometimes, what we envision as success is not the creators’ definition by far. We must simply began to do the work and let the chips fall where they may.

Below is a great offer and links to reach Elisa Gary

To connect with Elisa and receive a complimentary 30 minute one on one self-work session with me text  Iamcomplete (all one word) to 90210.



  1. This is such an interesting article. I am part of the group on Facebook, but I did not realize the magnitude of what you do. Now I am even more excited and want to find time to increase my participation.

    1. Thanks for sharing with my blog. if you have a business you would like to speak about please let me know..thanks.
