Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This week I have an Xavier Smith aka, Mr. XL Smith, president of Xcellent Solutions LLC.  His mission is to IMPACT - INSPIRE - & IMPROVE the lives of others!  He provides solutions in the area of personal safety consultation (self-defense for real estate agents), fitness (personal training/coaching & group boot camps) and professional speaking services!  We just want to help others empower themselves to a better life through better choices.   

He definitely wants to help move you from the bench to the starting line-up of life.

Xavier, How much research did you do before you made your move? 

I suppose I started my research back when started dreaming of the lifestyle I wished to live.  Well before 2007.

What did your friends say when you told them about your dream?

 I was careful and selective when it came to who I chose to share my vision/mission with!  I started with my inner circle of family (Brother/Wife) and then later shared with others!  For the most part, everyone was supportive although I did feel my feet step into a current of non-belief at times, but they did smile in my face though!

Did you have any people who did not believe in you?

  I suppose there were and still are those who don’t belief (hate).   However, no one has come and told me to my face how they feel.  My gut tells me however, through body language there are always a pocket of those who wish to see me/the business fail!

Describe a life-defining moment of change? 

Well I think of three defining moments!  One is when I realized the people who were supposed to be my biggest and strongest support network (My Parents) were just not there!
2) Being hit by a drunk driver in high school narrowly surviving the incident!
3) Surviving a heart attack at 29 and living to tell about it!

Did you have moments of doubts about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

Yes the doubts do creep in much like the waves of the ocean come in to the shore and back out again.  What I do is observe the doubt or thought (because that is all that it is - thoughts) be thankful for the process and continue marching towards my bigger purpose!  The focus MUST be on what you want and not the problems at hand!

What did you do to stay motivated through the process?

A solution for me is meditation and being aware/connected to higher calling for the ONE who created us, was a creator and we are made in his image!  Therefore, we are supposed to create and then show others how it’s done!  I believe we can be all that we imagine because He said we could... it’s just that simple!

Did you ever get down on yourself because you felt like you were not making progress?

Yes, I do get down on myself at times as being a military man, I operate by deadlines. Now that I am a civilian, it does not always happen the way I imagine, but I now realize that all things will happen as they are supposed to!

What advice would you give the person who is reading this blog and has been hesitant about granting themselves the permission to succeed? 

I want everyone to know that you can you can live the life you see in your head.  You can live your dreams, if you just believe in yourself, your higher calling, and be willing to put in the work needed to get the job done!

Five years from now what’s your dream? Five years ago where did you want to be and are you closer or have you achieved your dream? 

Five years from now - A philanthropist doing whatever I want to do!  Five years ago, I just started putting Xcellent Solutions LLC into motion!  The dream is an evolution and a work in progress as humans change on a moment by moment basis.  As such, my dreams will always being changing accordingly.

What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

Being successful is simple.  Notice I said simple, not easy!  There has to be something that drives you and it has to be more than superficial things like money.  One must know what to do with said money.
Just remember to enjoy each moment of life, because it is a gift!  Don’t take it for granted and put in the work to make life what you want!

Thank you Xavier for you for answering my questions, I hope my readers  be inspired to give themselves the permission they need to succeed.

Remember permission is key…

Be sure to check out all his links listed below.


  1. Now that is what I am talking about! Here is another business "Living The Mission" of IMPROVING the lives of others!

    Mark thank you for putting together such a great platform to share and live the mission for all to see!

  2. You are welcome, Continued success to you..

  3. This was a nice post with a real person giving real answers about working and dealing with things that happen to all entrepreneurs. I think this series will be very successful for you.
