Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What makes you Angry?

When I met Victory, I thought I was hearing things. He said “My name is Angry” I said “What?”  Why are you angry? After a few minutes I began to see that he was more than just Angry, he was Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, but also a speaker and author. Let’s meet Victor and understand what makes him Angry.

Victor Sean Angry, is a retired military of over 23 years.  He is the first African American to hold the position as the Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard. He is an advocate of fitness and supporter of anyone trying to be better. Victor started his company "A is for ANGRY!" LLC because he wanted to put the same passion he put into working for someone else, into working for myself doing what he passionately loves to do, and that is motivating and inspiring others. 

How much research did you do before you made your move?

I've been doing research my entire life! In the book that I'm currently writing, I talk about being the king of procrastination, how procrastination is nothing more than delaying the inevitable until you can't delay it any longer. I've always known what I wanted to do in life, I was just too afraid to go after it. I would do other things, commit to other people; do all those things we do when we are avoiding the inevitable. Because I knew what I wanted to do, I knew my market, I know my demand, it was simple to go after it, once I got past Mr. Procrastination.

What did your friends say when you told them about your dream?

  This may seem odd, but I don't have friends, I have people I associate with, and they have given me supportive comments about me following through with my dreams. The two people I call friends now have both just been recently placed in my life. They are my support team for my new adventure.

Did you have any people who did not believe in you?

Yes, and I still do. As my fraternity brother put it "they aren't worth the time for the discussion, people like that are a setback of valuable time you could be spending moving yourself forward. And we're moving again...

Describe a life-defining moment of change.

I'm on the golf course with a buddy and fellow Sergeant major of mine, we are walking the course and catching up on old times. He tells me "your name is synonymous with success", that's a life-defining moment of change, what else can I do with that but act on it!

Did you have moments of doubts about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

I haven't had moments of doubt with what I wanted to do, I've had moments of lack of confidence and the only way I got around them was to surround myself around others who bleed confidence. That's what you need when your stepping off a cliff into the unknown, others that have done it successfully.

What did you do to stay motivated through the process?

Kept reading, kept researching, kept reciting our deepest fear poem by Marianne Williamson, which was re-quoted by Mr. Mandela.

Did you ever get down on yourself because you felt like you were not making progress?

All the time! I get down on myself every day. In my profession, I want to be world renowned, I want my message to be heard across the globe, I want to find all of those average and under-minded people, and inspire them to do those great things they dream of. I get down on myself so much that I have to remind myself that all good things come in time, and all I have is time. I may not know how much time I have, but I truly believe God lays everything out there, we just have to patiently follow the plan.

What advice would you give the person who is reading this blog and has been hesitant about granting themselves the permission to succeed?

The procrastination club exists for a reason, you can't have a club without members. I would say that you need to use being a member of that club to your advantage; look, listen and learn. Understand that at some point you're going to have to stop delaying the inevitable, but only you will know when that moment is. I will tell you that it does exist, you may need to pull a few more motivators into your circle of influence and if that's what you need, then do it. It took me 42 years to realize that God has been giving me blessings this entire time, it's up to us to receive them, or let them pass on by to the next person.

Five years from now what’s your dream?

5 years from now, I want the cover of Forbes magazine as a successful professional speaker. It's a tall order, but that's why we call them dreams! Dream big, dream out loud, dream like crazy! 5 years ago I was serving this country as the most senior Non Commissioned Officer in charge of all enlisted issues, equipment and family concerns of the Army National Guard and I was exactly where I wanted to be. Holding that position was a military dream come true, but like all great dreams, you must wake up from them. I started dreaming my new dream, which has always been community service, so after my retirement in 2011, I became a volunteer firefighter in my community. I started working for Navy Federal Credit Union where I was blessed to land a corporate job that supports the military through smart banking. I was able to take my passion of educating enlisted members to understanding their finances and making smart investments, something that we still lack today in our ranks. Today, I am the owner of my own business where I get to continue my passion of educating, coaching, mentoring and inspiring others to succeed. I'd say I'm about 75 percent closer to achieving my dream.  

What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

I'm going to quote Marianne Williamson for this one "As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others". 
Find your motivation, and when you do, let it ignite the nation!

Please check out Victory and follow him

Twitter: Vic_Angry

Sunday, September 29, 2013

3-P's to Public Speaking

Speaking is one of the most terrifying things that anyone can do.  Getting up in front of a group of people, opening your mouth, and praying that nothing stupid falls out, or that you don’t pass out, keeps many folks in their seats.  However, I am going to give you three P's to confident speaking.  The first tip is: (The three P’s are:)

(click here for my FREE Audio Series, Permission to Succeed) 

1.  Prepare:    Nothing kills confidence more than lack of preparation.  You must know your content or topic better than anyone else in the room at the time – you are one with the mic.  Think about this; at the very moment you stand up to speak, you are the expert. You must believe in and deliver what you have prepared.

2.  Practice, Practice, Practice:    There is something to practicing, it goes hand in hand with Step 1. Once you have learned your content, stand in front of the mirror and deliver your speech or presentation. Ladies and gentlemen, if you think being in front of a crowd is nerve-racking, try looking at yourself and seeing your facial expression!  But it is necessary for you to see yourself in action. That way, you can get over the awkwardness of your body.  Lastly, deliver it as if were a live presentation, with all the emotions and gestures. Remember – practice, practice, practice, and by the time you’re done, your presentation you will be ready.

3. Pace:   Know this – until you get comfortable with speaking and controlling your message, you will stand up and power through your presentation.  It could be 20 minutes long, you practiced it and timed it. However, when you get up on that stage and you see that crowd, you first instinct is to rush. So you speed up and you are done in 10, leaving your audience wondering, “What was that blur?”.  The hint when speaking is to go counter.  So instead of speeding up, go twice as slow.  If you make small gestures, make extra big gestures.  What you will find that you will be on your mark and will have delivered a message that people can understand and enjoy.

These steps are just a few of things you can do to overcome that fear and deliver a better presentation.  So let’s recap:

1. Prepare.
2. Practice.
3. Pace.

Not get off the bench and go deliver that speech with confidence.  

GET a my Free Audio Series,  CLICK HERE  Now..


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


In all my life I have never met a Queen, so lets meet one now!

Meet Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, the 

“Life Redesign Queen”

At the tender age of 14, Nekisha-Michelle became a mother. Though scorned, and verbally battered by family for her situation, she rose well above expectations! By the time she was 24; Nekisha had a Master's Degree in Social Work, and later became the author of “Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life”. As a life coach, she has been featured in Black Enterprise Magazine, Empowering Women Magazine, and has also appeared as a Guest Relationship Expert on KTLA-5 news Los Angeles. Nekisha-Michelle is known as the "Life Redesign Queen" by celebrities, and everyday people. She's a Media Personality, Non-Profit Innovator, And International Speaker. Her mission is “Getting YOUR Soul to Happy!”

How much research did you do before you made your move?

 Every exceptional coach has an exceptional coach which makes all the difference in a successful practice.  I found out about life coaching through a business consultant who was helping me develop my motivational speaking business. Being introduced into this new profession I found myself researching everything I could find on the internet about the industry.  In my research there was a common theme and that was to be effective as a life coach it is important to hire a life coach to mentor you through the process.  This helped me experience the benefits, structure and discipline of the life coach profession and build a viable and thriving practice.

What did your friends say when you told them about your dream?

My passion was fueled by a few good friends. It was my close circle of friends who benefited greatly from years of my wisdom, opinion and often direct spoken approach to guiding them toward the best and most healthy prospective and choice for their life.  The challenge with growing into a professional young coach was charging for my services the value knew I was able to provide.  My friends became disgruntled when I started charging for the advice they once got for free. Imagine my phone rang less and there were many conversations that went like this: “Friend, you know I have to create boundaries because this is my livelihood now.  The first 15 minutes I will be your girlfriend and afterward I have to charge you to be your coach.”So, all my conversations were 15 minute conversations to say the least. Lol

Did you have people who didn’t believe in you?

My risk taken often inspires others.  Starting my business as a life coach didn’t startle anyone they were excited for me.  However, there were many naysayers called “family” who thought it was foolish to leave a thriving career as a management level Social Worker to be in business for myself and hope my phone would ring with clients to sustain my lifestyle.  In addition, my family knew I was not the best money manager…yikes!

Describe a life defining moment of change.

I had to super-size my happiness.  I was coaching from a place of boredom, fear, unhappiness and my life was in shambles.  My marriage was in intensive care unit, I didn’t like the image I saw reflected back at me in the mirror, I was uninspired by my environment and I had become very critical and negative.  I knew that my soul was dying and in order to instruct others how to redesign their life, I needed to desperately perform CPR on my life. In 2009, I decided to close down my practice, divorce my husband, and relocate to my dream destination of Los Angeles, CA with only $1500.00.  But I was determined to be the next big Life Coach Media Personality and create a life that made me happy and would inspire others. Within, 8 months of my move to California I appeared on top rated KTLA-5 morning news as the relationship expert.

Did you have moments of doubt about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

I had friends who believed in me on my behalf.  I have learned to starve my doubts by rehearsing all the times the God in me have overcome odds and achieved great victories. I have to pop my own collar and know that anyone who has a baby at 14 years old, takes her baby to college, graduate with honor, pledge a sorority , work 3 jobs and get’s a masters degree by the time she’s 24 – cannot be easily defeated!  I contended with the dark nights of my soul by learning to keep a gratitude journal that I still write in every night. I took vitamins and St. Johns Wort to increase my positive moods. It was necessary to be vulnerable and surround myself with friends in the Hollywood industry that truly reminded me that I am worth having my dreams in this life time with consistent diligent work.

What did you do to stay motivated during this process?

I finally learned to be the CEO of my life! I learned that without a vision a plan and discipline you will find yourself working for someone who has one.  I had to do my self-actualization work and that’s when my life’s mission was magnified “getting your soul to happy”.  I found that my new clients were mirrors of me.  They weren’t happy because they had mastered being successful in many areas of their life except for LOVE! My clients like myself didn’t feel worthy of healthy, fulfilling and passionate love. Finding the answer to this problem fueled my motivation and keeps me excited to- date. Each time a new testimony comes into my office of a woman that I helped in some way learn to give and receive healthy lasting love in every area of her life keeps my sexy juices flowing. I am motivated by my own brand NO LOVE DRAMA…no more fussing and fighting with love.  I am motivated by LOVE and healing broken relationships and teaching what most women don’t know about it!

What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

Success is your birthright! The universal law of cosmic good is always working in our lives.  However, pain will push you until the higher vision of yourself pulls you into the place of your destiny.  The choice is yours …to be bullied by pain or pulled, motivated or exalted by the vision of the best you that you can possibly be.  Choose today to reveal the highest and best within in you and know that you are called to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet in this lifetime.  Success is your birthright let nothing keep you from claiming it!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekishamichelle

Order Breaking Invisible Chains NOW, click here

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Permission to Succeed: the only person who needs to give it is you
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