Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ms. CEO, Mother, Author, Trainer, and Squirrel Herder

Let’s meet Sharon Myers, she is a personal, professional and business “Growth Strategist.” She is the founder and CEO at Myers-Tech, which offers professional and personal development training and management consulting services.  Sharon also founded Moovin4ward, which offers character and career development training and speaker business consulting services. 

How much research did you do before you made your move? 

I conducted TONS of research before I got started!  And I have all the binders of data from the last 15 years to prove it.  Fear of failure prevents me from taking a step without analysis.

 What did your friends say when you told them about your dream?

My friends all claim to have predicted that I would do what I’m doing.  I don’t recall anyone being shocked.

Did you have any people who did not believe in you?

I had one family member that said “no one in our family has ever done anything like this.  I guess if you fail, you can say you tried.”  I’m not sure if that was meant to be negative, but it did sound a bit like they didn’t believe in me.

Did you have moments of doubts about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

I did and do.  It typically occurs when I forget that my life is not my own.  God has chosen the path for me and sometimes I feel that I’m not worthy or capable.  But strength and encouragement comes from my wonderful friends and family, which puts me back on track.

What did you do to stay motivated through the process?

I visualized my success to stay motivated.  I often thought about how my success would benefit my family.

Did you ever get down on yourself because you felt like you were not making progress?


What advice would you give the person who is reading this blog and has been hesitant about granting themselves the permission to succeed?

Imagine what your life would be like if you DON’T pursue the success you want.  Now imagine what your life would be if you achieved it.  When you compare the two, isn’t it worth trying?

Five years from now what’s your dream? Five years ago where did you want to be and are you closer or have you achieved your dream?

I am definitely not where I imagined I’d be five years ago, BUT I am exactly where I need to be.  My dream has grown and shrunk, all at the same time.  Five years from now I hope to have learned more about myself and have used my strengths to benefit others.

What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

It is hard to give yourself to succeed if someone else defined what success is for you.  Once you have truly defined what success means to you personally AND WHY, then you will have given yourself permission to achieve it.

Please check out Sharon’s site and support her business.

Monday, November 5, 2012

ARM CANDY anyone?

Let me introduce you to Saratta Reeves, Saratta is the owner of Expressions Bracelets.  Expressions Bracelets is a bracelet design company that specializes in creating the trendiest, highest quality bracelets on the market today. It was created, Jan 2012, out of a need to allow your everyday woman the opportunity to express her style, her uniqueness through the bracelets she chooses as her arm candy.  As the owner and designer, Saratta studies fashion trends and researches the fashion industry on a regular basis to stay abreast of all the latest styles.  She wants her customers to accessorize like celebrities but at an affordable price. Saratta also does custom orders so that her customers can get a one of a kind, uniquely fashionable piece.

How much research did you do before you made your move?

I had already started 3 other businesses prior to launching this one and I had not reached the level of success I had hoped for. But I’m a risk taker, plain and simple. I knew I wanted to create something that was an expression of me and my creativity. After much encouragement from a close friend, I decided to start selling the jewelry I had already been designing, beaded bracelets. I jumped in HEAD FIRST, I researched later. I already knew what women liked, accessories and because I consider myself a fashionista, I already knew what the latest trend was, and these bracelets were ‘it’! I designed the product, focusing on the hot colors for spring (found through thumbing through magazines) and some neutral colors that are always a hit with any collection. The rest is history.

What did your friends say when you told them about your dream

Most didn’t understand and the common response was, “you starting another business?” However, I did have a few that believed in me and anything I did. I even had a friend invest $3,000 and another $700 just to help me get started. My friends have always known me as a hustler and this was nothing new.

Did you have any people who did not believe in you?

I had people that were not sure if THIS was the business that would be successful. Most people thought it was just a “cute” idea. I wouldn’t say they didn’t believe, I would just say, they didn’t understand. It is hard to understand the mind, drive and hustle of an entrepreneur.

Describe a life-defining moment of change?

The moment I decided to never work another 9-5, another corporate job, or have another boss was my life-defining moment. The year, 2010, when I was laid off from my corporate job at a Starbucks over coffee was the moment I vowed to never relive that moment ever again. That was the moment I became my own boss and began to control my own destiny. Plan A, professional, corporate business woman had turned into Plan B, entrepreneur.

Did you have moments of doubts about what you wanted to do, and how did you overcome it?

Yes, I had doubts and it took me a year to finally find something that worked. I had no choice but to overcome, I had bills to pay and no safety net. I got up every day, grinding and pushing forward. I looked at my parents and I knew I wanted more. I looked at my life to that point and knew I wanted better. I also had a person beside me this last year that has encouraged me and pushed me to step outside the box.

What did you do to stay motivated through the process?

I prayed. Along with prayer, I kept my eye on others that were moving forward with their dreams and the further head they got; the more motivated I felt to reach my goals.
Did you ever get down on yourself because you felt like you were not making progress?

Yes, but I had to realize that I’m a one woman show and until I can began to outsource, there’s only so much I can.
What advice would you give the person who is reading this blog and has been hesitant about granting themselves the permission to succeed?

Release the inner thoughts of doubt and focus on the life you could have if you only allowed yourself to reach your full potential. Create a dream board, or write down, 10 things you would do if you only had more money and/or time. Create an action plan to be able to accomplish one in the next year and keep reaching from there.

Five years from now what’s your dream? Five years ago where did you want to be and are you closer or have you achieved your dream?

Five years from now, I hope to have tripled my yearly revenue from my businesses, be traveling the world and I hope to be teaching other women how to start their own successful business. Five years ago, I wanted to own my own business, but I never envisioned it to be selling bracelets. Yes, I am much closer to my dream.

What advice or motivation would you like to leave the readers about giving yourself permission to succeed?

In order to give myself the permission to succeed I had to remove a lot of negative energy from my space, my life, my environment. There were many things that were holding me hostage and not allowing me to move forward, the most powerful of these things, my mind. I released the chains wrapped around my thoughts and made up in my mind that no matter the cost, I would succeed

If you are in the market for some great affordable bracelets, check out the links below and support this great product.



Twitter: @ExpressUrStyle